Battery Latching Disconnect RV Custom Products RVC1002
These disconnects allow user/service technicians to Disconnect Chassis/Coach batteries for storage or service. These high tech units do not draw current in either the ON or OFF position. Operating Voltage: 8-14V Amperage Draw: 4AMP 100 AMP total rating.
- The RV Custom Products Latching Relay RVC1002 allows user/service technicians to disconnect Chassis/Coach batteries for storage or service.These high tech units do not draw current in either the “ON” or “OFF” position.
Operating Voltage: 8-14V
RV Custom Battery Latching Disconnect RVC1002
Use to disconnect Coach house battery for winter or temporary storage.
Amperage Draw: 4AMP 100 AMP total rating.
RV Custom Products
This relay can only be wired to a momentary (On) / Off / (On) switch. If wired to a On / Off / On switch then the coil of the relay will over-heat and burn out.